Manual vs. Electric Which Toothbrush Is Right For YouSince you were young, you’ve been warned about the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day to ensure good oral health. This care begins with choosing the right toothbrush to help keep your teeth clean and healthy. Choosing between the traditional manual toothbrush or an electric-powered brush can be difficult, so we’ve put together a few facts to help you decide.

Benefits of Manual Toothbrushes

The traditional manual toothbrushes are more cost-effective compared to electric-powered brushes. Though they may not be as powerful in brush strength, you can control how you brush each tooth, and the convenience of never having to worry about batteries or if your toothbrush is charged can’t be beaten! Plus, replacing a manual toothbrush can be easier and less expensive than their electric counterparts.

Some may argue that electric brushes are better since some models are proven to significantly remove more plaque buildup, but research shows that patients with good oral hygiene routines who use manual toothbrushes have similar results. Manual toothbrushes do require more work and for you to be mindful of how you brush your teeth as brushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums.

Benefits of Electric Powered Toothbrushes

Electronically powered toothbrushes have small brush heads so that you can reach all areas of the mouth easily and are ideal for patients with limited mobility. Some even have varied bristle lengths and widths to clean away areas where food, debris, and plaque may hide. These powerful brushes enable you to remove plaque easier than manual brushes and may even come with different modes such as ones for sensitive teeth, deep cleaning, whitening, and tongue cleaning.

One of the drawbacks to choosing electrotonic toothbrushes is that they are more expensive compared to manual ones. They may have parts that need replacing frequently and require more space on your counter than manual brushes. Electric toothbrushes also need to be charged regularly which depends on the user to remember to charge it daily or to have spare batteries on hand.

Which Is Right For You?

We say the best toothbrush for you is the one you will use. As you can see, both electric-powered and manual brushes are great options for keeping your oral health in tip-top shape. Remember to also floss daily to remove food and plaque from between your teeth and underneath your gum line. Always look for a brush that has the ADA seal as products with this seal are tested for safety and effectiveness. If you are unsure which toothbrush is best for you or if you have any questions about our services, contact Mountain Park Dentistry today.

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    Tues 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Wed 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Thurs 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
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